Why study portuguese?
Portuguese is the 4th most spoken language in the world and the official language in Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe and East Timor.
Portuguese is a language of culture, research and trade, an important tool worldwide.
Learning Portuguese offers opportunities in almost every sphere of activity such as:
– Journalism
– Professional translation – Engineering
– Medicine
– Arts
– Diplomatic services
– International relations – Political science
– Law
– Education (teaching)
Camões namíbia
Português, uma língua para o mundo
Centro Diogo Cão objectives
– Develop training sessions for Portuguese language teachers and trainers in Namibia.
– Stimulate the promotion and dissemination of the Portuguese language and cultures.
– Strengthen academic and cultural relationships to diffuse the Portuguese language as a language of international communication within a multicultural regional context.
– Promote cultural events.
– Develop research projects.
Operates as
– Library
– Study and research centre
– Video library
– Computer and multimedia room – Meeting room
– Workshop room
– Training facility
– Conference space
Centro Diogo Cão is an inviting and safe space where you can engage with other portuguese speakers, participate in cultural events, film screenings, exhib- tions and language exchange meetups.
It also operates as a library where you can access interactive learning materials and attend training sessions.
Prepare your future and learn the 4th most spoken language in the world
Portuguese is the 4th most useful language for conducting business around the world. (Bloomberg Rankings)
An emerging language of business, science and culture.
“Portugal is an open door to a market of 500 million people in Europe and more than 250 million Portugue- se-speaking consumers.”
(AICEP Portugal Global)
Portuguese is one of SADC’s official languages.
Strong bilateral ties and Free Trade Agreements link Portugal and SADC’s Member States: Angola, Democra- tic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
Portuguese is one of SADC’s official languages.
Strong bilateral ties and Free Trade Agreements link Portugal and SADC’s Member States: Angola, Democra- tic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.